Health Related Physical Fitness among Boys Studying in Different School of Mathura

Sameer Kumar Yadav


The purpose of the present study was to compare the health related physical fitness among boys studying in different school
of Mathura. For the survey the investigator has chosen schools namely Kendriya Vidyalaya and Shree Ji Baba Saraswati
Vidhya Mandir, Mathura. One hundred subjects, (50 from both schools) were randomly selected. The following variables
were tested in their respected schools i. e. endurance, agility, abdominal strength, Shoulder strength, body composition and
flexibility. The reliability was established on the basis of test retest method. Flexibility (Sit and reach test was used and it was
recorded in cm), Muscular strength (bend knee sit-ups test was used and it was recorded in numbers), Shoulder muscular
strength (Bend arm hang test was used and it was recorded in Sec), Agility (Shuttle run test was used and it was recorded in
one tenth of Sec), Cardio-Vascular Endurance (12 min run-walk test was used to measure the cardio-vascular endurance and
it was recorded nearest every 25meter), Body Composition (Fat percentage),To find out the significant differences among the
schools, ‘t’ test was empolyed and the level of significance was 0.05 level of confidence. The analysis of the data revealed that
there were no significant differences of health related physical fitness among boys studying in different schools of Mathura.
The students from Kendriya Vidyalaaya and Shree Ji Baba Saraswati Vidhya Mandir, Mathura did not show any statistical
significant differences in health related physical fitness components namely Endurance, Agility, Flexibility, Body Composition,
Abdominal strength, and Shoulder strength. From the findings it was observe in case of flexibility and body composition, Shree
Ji Baba Saraswati Vidhya Mandir, was better in compare to Kendriya Vidyalaya, but statistically not significant. In case Cardio-
Vascular Endurance, Abdominal Strength, Agility and shoulder Strength Kendriya Vidyalaya was better in compare to Shree
Ji Baba Saraswati Vidhya Mandir.


K.V.S., S. J.B. S.V.M.

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