Life is full of challenges and becoming complex and complicated day by day for the adolescent students as the emergence of globalization had enhanced the feeling of competition in the world of academics as well as in the world of work. A quantitative, evaluative, Quasi experimental, interrupted Time series research design to assess the effect of meditation on the anxiety level of the 100 Preboard adolescents (Class 10th), was conducted w.e.f 10.03.2022 to 14.03.2022 through Non Probability Purposive Sampling Technique. Data was collected through a Standardised Anxiety Self Rating five point scale and Kolcaba’s comfort theory was adopted as conceptual framework. Reliability was determined by Cronbach’s alpha test which was 0.85, found to be good with high and significant reliability. Results: The major findings of the study indicated that the average mean anxiety level scores (12.11, 8.51, 5.06) of the Preboard adolescents after the administration of meditation was lower than the average mean anxiety level scores of the Preboard adolescents before the administration of meditation (17.27, 12.70, 8.55) being comparatively higher on all the three days at p < 0.05, thus, rejecting the null hypothesis at 95% level of significance. Decrease in the anxiety level scores, of the class 10th students due to the effect of meditation, was significant & not by chance. Significant association existed at p < 0.05 between the effect of meditation on the anxiety level of the Preboard adolescents with the socio demographic variables like Age and Past experience of meditation of the Preboard adolescents while highly significant association existed with the religion of the Preboard adolescents thus rejecting the null hypothesis. Preboard adolescents’ satisfaction level feedback regarding meditation reflected that 65% of the Preboard adolescents agreed the impact of meditation intervention on their anxiety level as good (86%). The study concluded that meditation was effective in achieving the goals of the study by reducing the anxiety level of the Preboard adolescents, thereby producing a relaxed, comforting and soothing state in them.
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