Aayush Oswal, Dr. Supraja, Dr. Krishna Kumar, Dr. Gautam Shetty


There are various modalities for diagnosing  temporomandibular disorders and assessing their prognosis. Electromyography is one of the gadget used frequently. It is an advanced technique to record and assess skeletal muscle activity. Earlier electromyography was used only in medical field, but now it has been playing an important role in diagnosis and treatment planning in dentistry also. It has been used in dentistry frequently for diagnosis and treatment of bruxism and myofascial  pain dysfunction syndrome. Its other applications in  prosthodontics have remained somewhat unexplored. So the aim of this review article is to describe electromyography and its applications in prosthodontics.


electromyography, temporomandibular disorders,dentistry,bruxism,myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome.

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